Can Hail Hurt My Roof?

When a hailstorm has just moved through your area, it makes sense to wonder about possible damage to your roof. In most cases, small hailstones won’t damage a well-maintained rooftop. Shingles are meant to take on the forces of weather and protect a home for decades at a time. But some hail can still hurt…

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Can Hail Damage My Roof

Living in Newnan, GA, means that occasionally we must suffer through some massive thunderstorms. When storm cells are severe, they often produce hail. Most hail is pebble size, but in some places, there have been reports of hail as big as softballs. Hail can damage cars, bust windows, and cause thousands of dollars worth of…

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Tornados can be one of nature’s most destructive forces. They can uproot trees, level houses and throw objects through the air. Tornado damage to houses and structures can be severe. Siding can be ripped off homes and shingles can be torn of off roofs. To be prepared for any damage to your roof, it’s a…

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