Weighing Your Options: Pros and Cons of Metal Roofing

In the realm of roofing materials, metal stands out as a versatile and increasingly popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike.  Metal roofing offers a plethora of benefits, but like any option, it also comes with its share of drawbacks.  To make an informed decision about whether metal roofing is the right choice for your…

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Clay Tile vs. Concrete Tile

Clay tile is one of the oldest known manufactured roofing materials. Today, tile roofs are often a hallmark of classical architectural styles. Mediterranean and Spanish inspired buildings are topped with terracotta tiles. Traditional Chinese architecture also makes heavy use of clay tiles. More recently, concrete tiles have come onto the market. While concrete and clay…

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Keep a New Roof from Failing

Your roof is a significant investment. So once you’ve paid for your new roof, you can expect it to last at least a couple of decades, depending on the material. But sometimes, a roof can fail after just a few years. A new roof failure can be a massive headache for the homeowner and a…

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The Best Roof for Hot Weather

When most people think about cooling their homes, the first thing that comes to mind if air conditioning. There’s no doubt that here in “Hot-lanta” air conditioning is crucial, but it’s not your home’s first line of defense. Just like keeping rain, wind, and cold out of your home, your roof is your greatest defense…

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Choosing the Best Material for a New Roof

If you are considering a new roof, chances are your roof is at least 20 years old. Over the last few decades, a lot has changed in the roofing industry. New materials are available and old materials have been updated. With all the options available today, choosing the best material for a new roof can…

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Our Top 4 Roofing Trends for 2019

The new year is here, and all sorts of industries are looking at the top trends for the year ahead. Often, when we think of trends, we think of clothing fashions, but roofs are just as subject to trends as any other product. Your roof is a large part of the exterior appearance of your…

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