Roof Damage from Hail

If you’re a property owner in an area that is prone to hail, you may be worried about the potential for roof damage. Hail can cause serious and costly damage to roofs, so it’s important to understand what causes hail and what you can do to protect your property. In this blog post, we will…

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What Is Hail and How Hail Can Damage Your Roof

Ever since recorded history, as far back as the bible, there’s been mention of hail and how destructive it can be. Well, we at Eagle Watch Roofing believe our customers should know just how hail can damage your roof. And if your roof isn’t in good enough condition to withstand a bad hailstorm, the damage…

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Can Hail Damage My Roof

Living in Newnan, GA, means that occasionally we must suffer through some massive thunderstorms. When storm cells are severe, they often produce hail. Most hail is pebble size, but in some places, there have been reports of hail as big as softballs. Hail can damage cars, bust windows, and cause thousands of dollars worth of…

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If you’ve been through hailstorms, you’ve seen the damage they produce, from dented cars to trees and bushes stripped of their leaves. Hail damage to your roof, however, may not be so apparent, but needs to be taken as seriously. This is where a roofing inspection comes in handy – hail damage while not easy…

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