Roof Replacement Requires

Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements. It shields you and your loved ones from the scorching sun, torrential rains, and snowstorms. When your roof is in top shape, you enjoy comfort and peace of mind. However, as time passes, wear and tear can take a toll on your roof, making…

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Don’t be taken off guard by a roof leak. Often, homeowners don’t think about their roofs until something goes dramatically wrong. But by the time you have a leak the damage has been going on for weeks, months or even years.   It may not be easy to spot damage to your roof from the street,…

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Photo displaying a home using GAF's Camelot Sheffield Black shingles

Unlike most industries, hiring a roofer poses a significant risk to the consumer due to the lack of thorough background checks that is required by legislation. This means the contractor you choose to repair your damaged shingles or even to replace your entire roofing system could be either unfit or unqualified to get the job…

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Many roofing professionals you’ll come across will scoff at the idea of coming out just to repair a handful of damaged shingles when such a small task is easily managed by the average homeowner. After all, all you really need to approach minor shingle repairs is a few tools, the proper materials, and a bit…

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Eagle watch roofing

They’re beautiful, functional and can last a lifetime; a slate roof is an expensive, yet smart investment in your home. With a bit of knowledge and maintenance you can enjoy this incredible roofing feature for years to come. Here are some tips for maintaining your slate roof from the Newnan, Georgia roofing professionals at Eagle…

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