Working on a roof is inherently dangerous. Falling from even a single-story roof could result in severe injuries. Any time you are working on your roof, it is crucial to take appropriate precautions and follow some basic safety rules. Whether you are looking for a leak or trying to inspect for storm damage, it is always best to leave it to the professionals. But if you do need to get up on your roof, here are some ways to prevent falls from your roof.

Ways to Prevent Falls On Your Roof [infographic]


There are two types of ladders that homeowners commonly use for accessing their roofs. The first type of ladder is a step ladder. While most people think of a step ladder as a small stool-like ladder you use in your home, step ladders can be six or even eight feet tall. What makes a step ladder unique in that it is shaped like an A, and it has four points of contact with the ground. It is self-supporting and the most stable option for homeowners. When using a step ladder, the most important safety rule is to avoid standing on the top rungs. A step ladder is a great way to access your gutters for cleaning or even to climb onto your roof. Just make sure that you have a ladder tall enough to access the roof without having to stand on the top rungs.

Another common ladder used for roof access is an extension ladder. Extension ladders only have two points of contact with the ground and need to be leaned against the roof. When using an extension ladder, it is crucial to make sure that the points of contact with the ground are as stable as possible. Never place an extension ladder on ground that is soft, wet, icy, or slippery. Ideally, when using an extension ladder, you should have a partner who can hold the base in place and act as a spotter to help prevent falls.

Have A Partner

It’s always a good idea to enlist the help of a friend or partner. A partner can help hold a ladder and act as a spotter. They can also hold your extra tools and hand them to you as needed. With someone to help with tools, you can avoid reaching for tools or losing balance while holding too many things at once. In case you do have an accident, having a helper nearby is critical. Even if you have to work alone, make sure someone knows what you are doing so they can check on you if there is a problem.

Safety Equipment

Professional roofers use a variety of tools to keep them safe while working on your roof. Many of these tools are available to anyone working on their roof. Whenever you are on a roof, make sure you have footwear with strong gripping ability. Work boots or good sneakers can help you grasp onto the roof without slipping. A helmet can also protect you in case of a fall. Professional roofers use harnesses as an extra layer of protection. If you are doing anything more than a quick walk on your roof, consider renting a harness. Make sure you know how to use the harness properly before you leave the rental place.

Avoid Climbing Onto Your Roof

The best way to prevent any falls and dangerous accidents from occurring is to avoid climbing onto your roof. Instead, hire a professional team of roofers to handle the job. It pays to have a team of exceptional and talented people to handle climbing, inspection, and repairs. A single mishap can result in severe injuries if you are not adequately prepared for the job. Staying off your roof is the best way to stay safe.

At Eagle Watch Roofing, we strive to provide our clients with top-of-the-line inspections and roofing services. There’s no need for you to worry about safety equipment, ladders, or bringing a friend to help. Our team of experienced roofers is focused on safety to ensure we stay safe on the job. Give us a call today, and we will handle all of your roofing needs.