Three Dangers to Your Roof
We all want to get the best and longest life out of our roofs. Your roof is the part of your house that takes the most direct beating from the weather. Your roof is subjected to heat, sun, rain, hail, and wind day in and day out. In fact, your roof is under attack every day, whatever the weather.
And while your home is built to last, even the best roofing in Newnan, GA, is subject to damage over time. Luckily, if you can catch the damage before it gets too severe, simple repairs can keep your roof in good condition for decades.
Read on for three of the more common dangers to your roof. Keep an eye out and take swift action if any of these issues develop and you can keep your roof in good shape for as long as possible.
Problems with the Gutter System

Clogged gutters can spell trouble for your roof
One of the most common problems that can damage your roof is a problem with the gutter system. Gutters that are clogged or damaged can cause water to back up onto the roof, which can lead to leaks and other problems.
When everything is working correctly, rain and other precipitation flow off the roof and into the gutters. From there, the water runs to downspouts that direct it down and away from your home, where it can safely drain. But if something clogs those gutters, the water will back up onto the eaves.
Unfortunately, water is the number one enemy of almost any type of roofing, especially asphalt shingle, which is the most common residential roofing material. When water can’t drain from the gutters as intended, water builds up on the roof. This sets the stage for mold to develop and the eventual decay of shingles and other parts of the roof. Standing water is also more likely to seep into your roof than water that quickly runs off.
Luckily, it’s not hard to avoid clogged gutters, though it does take some time and labor. The only way you can prevent clogged gutters is to clean them regularly, at least once a season. There are many ways to clean your gutters, though nothing beats a pair of heavy work gloves and some elbow grease.
If cleaning your gutters yourself doesn’t sound like something you can do, don’t despair. You can have a professional check the gutters, correct any problems, and ensure that nothing backs up on the edges of the roof. Whatever method you choose will work fine, as long as you get them cleaned. The worst thing you can do for your gutters is to ignore them.
Debris on the Roof
Another danger to your roof is debris that accumulates on the roof. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can block drains and gutters, and they can hold moisture against the roof, which can lead to rot and other problems.
Atlanta is a city blessed with many trees. They’re great for keeping the city cool, and they’re pretty, too. But they can also be terrible for your roof. All that pine straw and those falling leaves can be a serious threat to your roof. Any debris will hold in moisture. As we’ve said, nothing is worse for your roof than staying wet. When debris from trees or any other source holds water, that water begins to break down shingles and other materials.
Another way debris is a danger to your roof is its effect on your metal flashing. Remember that metal flashing in the valleys of your roof? It’s great for sending water away from where it gathers and down toward your—hopefully clear—gutters. But leave fallen leaves and pine straw there long enough, and the flashing will begin to rust. Your best bet is to have a professional clear the roof and check for any signs of damage at least twice a year.
Dangers to Your Roof from Trees

“Trees can cause damage to roofs”
The third danger to your roof comes from trees. Overhanging branches can fall on your roof during a storm and cause damage, and trees that are close to your house can drop limbs or leaves onto your roof, which can also cause damage.
Tree branches have two ways of damaging your roof. The most dramatic way damage from tree branches happens when a large, heavy branch lands on your roof. If a branch is massive enough, it can smash through your roof, leaving your home open to the elements. Fortunately, this is not a common occurrence, and it is avoidable.
In most cases, when a large branch or even a whole tree falls on your roof, there are multiple factors to blame. While the final blow is usually a strong wind or fierce storm, healthy trees rarely succumb to wind and rain. Most trees that fall were sick or dying and could have been removed before they fell. So if you notice a tree that has no green leaves when other trees do, call in an arborist to evaluate the tree. The arborist can tell you if the tree is a threat and if it needs to be taken down or cut back. Another warning sign is a tree that seems to be leaning compared to other trees. In that case, too, a consultation with an arborist could save your roof.
If a branch does fall onto your roof, don’t ignore it. There may not be any apparent damage from the ground or inside your home. Everything seems to be okay since there are no signs of leaks. But keep in mind that damage is not always easy to spot. Call a roofer and have the roof inspected. That should include a trip to the attic to see how things look from the underside. If the inspection uncovers an issue, it can be corrected before the next storm comes through the area.
Scraping Tree Limbs
Even tree limbs that don’t fall into your roof can cause damage. Branches that scrape along your roof, even if they only do so during intense storms, can cause severe damage. On an asphalt roof, a protective layer of gravelly material covers the shingles. The granules protect the asphalt shingles from damaging UV rays. But if rubbing branches knock the granules off, UV rays from sunlight can cause the asphalt in the shingles to deteriorate quickly. So if you notice any tree branches making contact with your roof, call an arborist to trim the tree and a roofer to inspect the damage.
Avoid The Worst Dangers to Your Roof
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It keeps you and your family safe and dry, and it protects your home from the elements. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your roof is in good condition and that you avoid the three biggest dangers to your roof: problems with the gutter system, debris on the roof, and dangers from trees.
At Eagle Watch Roofing, we know that your goal is to get as many years of use from the roof as possible. And we want to be your partners in reaching that goal. Call Eagle Watch Roofing, professionals who know roofing in Newnan, GA, to have your roof inspected. We’ll determine if there are dangers to your roof that could be solved now to avoid worse issues down the line.
By taking some simple precautions, you can avoid the three biggest dangers to your roof. Keep your gutters clean and in good repair, remove debris from your roof regularly, and trim trees that are close to your house. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your roof will protect you and your family for years to come.