Tornado season comes upon us quickly, and Mother Nature unleashes her fury in a whirl of wind, rain and hail. We generally have plenty of warning signs and are able to take cover from this beauty of nature. Our homes and buildings, however, suffer greatly. The brunt of the fury seems to be roofing and in Newnan, GA, we understand this all too well.

Signs that you have damage to your roof

There are sure signs that your roof has been damaged when the wind and rain dies down. Most signs are pretty obvious. Some need to be looked at more thoroughly. Here is a list of what to look for to know if you have damage to your roof.

  • Leaks in the ceiling
  • Dark spots on the shingles
  • Missing shingles
  • Dents in gutters and flashing

Walk around the perimeter, as well, to see if a shingle or other roofing material is laying on the ground. Even if shingles aren’t missing, they may be curled up around the edges. This is also a sign of damage.

Let a professional handle it

A roof that is not repaired quickly can lead to leaking inside and outside the home. This can cause mold to build up inside the walls. The foundation can begin to crack. Drywall can also become damaged. Professionals understand and have the equipment and knowledge to repair your roof quickly and safely.


When tornadoes strike, there isn’t much we can do to protect our roofs. If you have had storm damage to your roofing in Newnan, GA, you want to call a professional to get the job done quickly, efficiently and safely. Your local roofer is here and ready to help you and your family.