Cleaning, repairing, and remodeling or upgrading certain areas of your house is much simpler than on other sections that are either difficult to reach or aren’t usually thought about when you’re planning your spring cleaning.

Your basement, garage, outside storage unit, and roof are all spaces in your house that don’t get the same amount of attention as other areas do.

It’s understandable why they don’t, too, especially your roof. If your house is graced by the presence of a tile roof, it can be a challenge to maintain it, but you don’t have to dread keeping it up.

However, you should follow the guidelines below. They will assist you in maintaining your tile roof.

Pay Attention To Your Tile Roof

It never hurts to get a close look at your roof every now and then, but you want to do so more often if your area has experienced unusually heavy seasonal storms, rain, and wind.

  • Give it a once over from a distance to see if there are any abnormal shapes, colors, or objects that you hadn’t noticed before.
  • Inspect your roof closely and jot down a list of issues you see.
  • Check the integrity of each tile. If any of them are loose, bent, or seem to be damaged in any other manner, it’s time to replace or repair them.
  • Compare colors to monitor any changes. If even one tile in any location on your roof is discolored, it could indicate a much more severe issue with your roof or house’s foundation.
  • Since you should take photos of your house periodically for insurance purposes, it won’t hurt to make sure you have clear ones of your roof. Review them and not if you notice any significant differences in color, thickness, or position of the tiles.
Make Immediate Repairs

It goes without saying that you aren’t always going to have all the answers to your own roofing questions. However, you are going to know when there is an issue with your tiles.

  • If you see any raised tiles, it is easy to hammer them back into their original position, as long as that’s the only issue.
  • For tiles that are bent due to warping, those need to be replaced. If they aren’t immediately replaced, they will jeopardize surrounding tiles.
  • Anytime you replace a tile, don’t forget to replace everything that goes with it.

Even if you follow all of the steps above, it does not mean you have to take on repairing or replacing your tile roof as your next DIY project. Your roof might have significant damage after a storm.

Attempting to repair the resulting damage might lead to you exacerbating the problem or even injuring yourself. In cases like this, it’s best to throw in the towel and contact the professionals at Eagle Watch Roofing. We will replace or repair your tile roof.

We hope you’re finding our roofing blog insightful and entertaining! To learn more about what Eagle Watch Roofing can do for your next roofing project, visit our ‘About Us’ page; or, visit our ‘Testimonials’ page to see what some of our satisfied customers have to say about their experience.